5 Tips for Child Education Insurance

5 Tips for Child Education Insurance
image via : jagotips.com
Insurance-Articles - Removing the Education Fund is no longer easy when now it costs soar rapidly. The way to choose is to use education, which makes insurance you don't need to bother to think of children'sschool fees. However, there are things you should berhatikan before lodging themselves in insurance. Here are 5 tips on insurance education for children : 

. make sure that the education budget with detail

Next, calculate the education budget with detail you'll spend for a child's education in the future. Daon't forget, tuition fees will go up each tahunny. So don't be too tight also gave prices. Ifconfusion, consult with relatives or families who already send his son so that you have a clear shadow.

2. Pay attention to insurance agents

You certainly do not want to buy a cat in a sack, right? Then, learn about the first education insurance products offered by insurance companies in Indonesia. Learn insurance, know his reputation, whatever advantage you can, is commensurate with what you need, and so on.

For information you can clear his righteousness, you can directly go to an outlet cover or dial the customer service there is.

3. Compare the premium savings and value

Also important is to compare Your savings with premium value, i.e. the amount of funds you have to setor on insurance companies per month or year.

Of course you choose affordable insurance product premiums to your needs and your current assets. Then, compare the value of educational savings accounts that would you take. Thus, youcan find out whether the funds will cover the cost of kelaki out your child's education or not.

4. Withdrawal of money is easy

Certain insurance companies establish policies that tend to not supple. That is, the money cannot be taken before the specified time. Cailah insurance policy that is flexible, so if your child entersgrade eventually accelerated and pass more quickly, then you do not bother to think about the insurance Affairs.

5. Additional facilities not a priority

Are there any additional facilities offered by the insurance company? Some companies have other products such as health care. If indeed you need, then consider to use this penawraan.

However, don't be so easily tempted because it could be the effect on your savings. Make sure the first additional facilities does not trim your child's insurance policy too much. Rememberwhere you prioritize.

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